Lose Weight or Find Health

Language is quirky. We talk about losing weight as though we’ve misplaced it somewhere by accident. When in reality it can be hard work to be rid of extra kilos. Finding them again is remarkably easy when we don’t want to and elusive when we need to. This is the opposite to the lost and found drama of car keys, reading glasses and the pet cat.

Personally, I don’t find losing weight to be a motivating goal. As a rollercoaster-dieting teenager it seemed like giving up little pleasures was an ongoing punishment with no guarantee of success.

Inspiration for me comes from things found or gained.

Finding health comes in many forms. In my case the goal was to wake up feeling energised and booming*. By changing foods and addressing digestive issues I achieved this.

And along the way I found refreshing sleep; morning energy that lasts through the day; returned enthusiasm; clear skin; resilient and pain-free joints; illness-free winters; rapid recovery and happiness.

These things keep me motivated to eat well.

Finding how to manage my food intake is an absolute treasure (thank you Alison Cowell!). Sure, I can be diverted into indulgence, but I now know a simpler path back to health. No starvation required.

Excuses are the losses I celebrate. How well do your excuses serve you?

Too hot, cold, rainy, windy, weary to exercise. Too tired, sad, mad, bad, bored, peer pressured or attached to habits to give up or reduce coffee, alcohol, sugar, chips. Challenging thinking around these attachments takes time and commitment. But the cost of keeping excuses is too high. And the benefits of losing them are totally worth it.

What are your lost and found experiences with health?

What are the things you want to find in 2018?

If you’re looking for support to find health contact Phillipa

*Boom is the opposite of depression in economic terms. Boom sounds so much better than ‘not depressed’ so I’m borrowing it as a health term too.